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Rhythm Heart Jam-Jam!!!
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RHYTHM HEART JAM-JAM!!! 1.0!!!!!!!!
November 13, 2023
Burnout Beat
HEY EVERYBODY I'VE FINALLY FINISHED MY WORK ON THE GAME! After around 10 weeks I've finished this project with only a few bugs left. It's been a wild ride from start to finish. Slamming my head agains...
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Devlog 3 RHJJ - Beta Time
October 23, 2023
Burnout Beat
OK! ITS FINALLY TIME! ITS HERE! I FINALLY HAVE ALL MY TOOLS READY TO MAKE MY LEVELS NOW! IT TOOK ME... like 6 weeks? Anyways, the game is finally coming together and I can see the light at the end of...
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Devlog 2 RHJJ - Alpha Stuff
October 09, 2023
Burnout Beat
Heya everyone! Progress has been fairly slow because I had to develop the tools to make songs on my own. And so I made a few iterations of picking up music for the song. First version was taking visua...
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Devlog 1 RHJJ - Early Development
September 25, 2023
Burnout Beat
I've received a decent amount of feedback from a lot of the other students in my class alongside my friends. I've tried my best to tone down the colors and how quickly they change in advance to make s...
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